Your feedback

Our planning application is supported by a Statement of Local Engagement which outlines the details our efforts to engage with the local community, and explains the feedback we received.

At the end of 2021, we invited feedback during our first stage consultation to ensure local knowledge and interest could shape our proposals. We held a second consultation in February and March 2022 to report on the feedback we received, respond to the comments and issues you raised, and ask for input on our draft plans.

Participation and feedback

The consultation events we held in Thrapston and Titchmarsh were attended by around 300 visitors across the four days, and there were 1,470 individual visitors to the website across the two consultation stages.

The feedback we received – both in person at the events, and via the website – focused on the themes and issues set out below.

Need: question marks over the need for this development and why this site was chosen. To find out more about these issues, go to Why here?.

Jobs: doubts over the quality of jobs that would be on offer, whether jobs were needed given low unemployment rates locally, and where employees would come from given existing recruitment challenges. To find out more about these issues, go to Why here? and Transport.

Traffic: concerns about congestion on local roads and the A14, and whether they would cope with additional traffic from the development. To find out more about these issues, go to Transport.

Visual impact: concerns about the scale of buildings, light pollution, and whether landscaping would be effective in screening the development from local views. To find out more about these issues, go to Building design and Landscape led.

Environmental impact: concerns about wildlife, flooding, air quality and noise, and doubts over the ability to achieve biodiversity net gain on a large development site. To find out more about these issues, go to Building design, Building with Nature and Green infrastructure strategy.

Community benefits: interest in how the community might benefit from the development, including options for the off-site land and support for community initiatives. To find out more about these issues, go to Building with Nature and Social value and community.


Our planning application

We have submitted new information to North Northamptonshire Council.

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