Enhancing public access

One of our key aims is to enhance public access in the area by providing new and improved links through green spaces that encourage more sustainable modes of travel and support health and wellbeing.

Currently, there is no public access to the site although a public footpath runs along the northern boundary. This route will remain but is currently unsurfaced and can be difficult to access.

We are proposing to deliver a high-quality pedestrian and cycle route within the northern landscape boundary of our site which continues through the centre of the site to the entrance gateway and western plot. By using woodland, bat corridor and swale habitats created on the site, we can create an attractive environment and enhances the links between Thrapston and Titchmarsh.

In addition, we are proposing enhanced signage and interesting features including potential public art works along the route that embrace both the wider landscape and environmental assets.

The Scheduled Monument is included as part of the planned education and interpretation, as well as having the ecological benefits of a native wildflower meadow.

These pedestrian and cycle routes are very much focused on health, wellbeing and education to provide a high-quality environment for those working on the park, those visiting the site and people using the wider network.

Indicative design approach

Indicative image of northern pedestrian and cycle route - click to enlarge Indicative image of northern pedestrian and cycle route

Wider links

Our proposals for a new roundabout on the A605 include provision of a safe crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.

We have worked with North Northamptonshire Council and the Greenway Project to ensure that our proposals assist in the connectivity and usability of the Rights of Way network.