Indicative image of new DSV building (May 2022 – superseded)

Green infrastructure strategy

Our planning application is supported by a Green Infrastructure Strategy that illustrates how our proposals would deliver an integrated solution for the open spaces across the site and surrounding areas.

Green infrastructure is at the heart of local planning policy following the extensive work undertaken in the late 1990s by the River Nene Regional Park.

Policy 19 of the current North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy highlights its importance and the need for development to deliver a net gain in green infrastructure. Protecting and enhancing sub-regional and local green infrastructure corridors is a specific priority.

Our site lies to the east of the main Nene Valley Sub-Regional Corridor and there are local corridors just to the north and south.

Our approach

Green and blue infrastructure has guided the strategy from the outset, while Building with Nature has been used to test and steer the design. At Thrapston Business Park, we are committed to achieving in excess of 30% biodiversity net gain, with further opportunity being considered in association with the planting regime for the SAM.

The key issues driving our approach are summarised below together with our response.

Protection and enhancement of the River Nene Sub-Regional Corridor

Our plans include a comprehensive network of ponds and swales that would form the backbone of a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS), with a particular focus on the northern boundary – with two substantial ponds being created within the north-eastern and north-western corners of the Site.

These features would manage surface water drainage, deliver a reduction in silt run-off and improve water quality, as well as contributing to biodiversity.

Enhancement of the rights of way network

A key focus has been to provide a high quality and safe pedestrian and cycle route linking Titchmarsh to Thrapston and the emerging East Northamptonshire Greenway. Additional access opportunities have been identified to extend and link the public footpath network around Titchmarsh.

Links to other green infrastructure assets

The on-site and off-site green infrastructure proposals would strengthen and develop links to the wider network in particular to the heritage and landscape assets in Titchmarsh, to the River Nene and to the Thrapston Nene Valley Park. The project has secured the Building with Nature 2.0 Design Award for exemplary green infrastructure within the design.

Green environments for health and wellbeing

The comprehensive network of routes and green spaces - both within the proposed development and on the off-site land – would enhance access opportunities and wider connectivity for the local community and those working across the park.

Heritage and archaeology

The detailed design for landscape and green infrastructure has been shaped in response to the heritage and archaeological features and characteristics of the local area, including the Titchmarsh Roman Town Scheduled Monument. A scheme of interpretation will be agreed with the relevant consultees which will increase understanding and awareness of these important assets. Possibilities will be presented in the formal update to the application.


Indicative image of northern landscape corridor – click to enlarge Indicative image of northern landscape corridor